The West Michigan Conference battle intriguing...
Montague Holds Off Ravenna, 14-7
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Team | Conference | Overall |
Oakridge | 5-1 | 9-2 |
Whitehall | 5-1 | 8-3 |
Montague | 5-1 | 8-3 |
Ravenna | 3-3 | 7-4 |
North Muskegon | 2-4 | 4-6 |
Hart | 1-5 | 4-5 |
Shelby | 0-6 | 0-9 |
Opponent | Result |
8/27 at Beal City | W 21-20 |
9/2 Shelby | W 63-6 |
9/10 at Whitehall | L 0-42 |
9/17 Mason County Central | W 53-8 |
9/24 at Montague | L 7-14 |
10/1 Hart | W 41-14 |
10/8 at North Muskegon | W 17-6 |
10/15 at Oakridge | L 36-43 |
10/22 Central Montcalm | W 55-19 |
MHSAA Playoffs | Division 7 Region 3 District 1 |
10/29 vs North Muskegon | W 7-6 |
11/6 at Muskegon Catholic Central | L 14-50 |
The West Michigan Conference battle intriguing...
The Ravenna Bulldogs and Mason County Central...
The Whitehall Vikings suffered a tough opening...
The Ravenna Bulldogs and Shelby Tigers have...
The Ravenna Bulldogs started 2021 with a...
The Ravenna Bulldogs hit the road in the...