The Newaygo Lions defeated Kent City in their season opening contest on Thursday. A strong start by the victors would prove to be the difference in a 27-18 victory.

Near the end of the first quarter, Newaygo got on the scoreboard. Blake Kerr was able to power across the goal line for a 1-yard touchdown keeper, giving the Lions a 7-0 lead after ten minutes of play. Aiven Warmbein capped off that drive with a successful extra point attempt.

Newaygo returned to the endzone midway through the stanza with a defensive touchdown. Luis Alvarez scooped up a Kent City fumble and rumbled down the field for a 70-yard defensive touchdown. The Eagles would respond with a Logan Thompson 4-yard carry, but they entered the half facing a 13-6 deficit.

In the third quarter, again it was Newaygo who started the offensive attacks. Trevor Garbrecht bounced off tacklers for a 4-yard touchdown carry, pushing the Lions’ lead back out to thirteen points. Kent City would respond with an 8-yard touchdown run by Harrison Smith. With ten minutes to go, it was 19-12 in favor of Newaygo.

The opponents would exchange scores again in the final quarter, with the same scoring series being repeated oncemore. Porter Siominski made his season debut to the end zone on a 4-yard handoff, while Kent City got a responding score from Cooper Stinson.

Newaygo, now 1-0 on the season, will face Central Montcalm in Week 2. The Hornets are also unbeaten, throttling Houghton Lake in the season opener.